Become a Musician Who Isn’t Just a Musician
Getting your work out there doesn’t always mean you have to stay in that box. Becoming more than a musician is a challenge you might take on to broaden your horizons and make your talent known around the world.
The internet’s power is vast, and reaching out to your audience as a brand ambassador, influencer, or content provider may be extremely beneficial to your music.
There are numerous ways to build popularity, and once you have your audience’s attention, you can emphasize your song. This method is used by a lot of musicians, and it just goes to show that being more than a musician is a talent you can showcase to your listeners.
Playlists and Music Blogs are good places to start
If you’re advertising an album, having your music out there ahead of time will help you gain traction and reach as many people as possible. Pitching your music to the press as part of your music marketing strategy can help you gain exposure.
Any mention of your music in the media can help with your marketing efforts, as it can increase the number of people who listen to your music and improve the SEO of your band’s website.
Create an electronic press kit that reflects your objective, whether you’re hoping to acquire a spot for a premiere or release a single. Then, using a spreadsheet, find music blogs and Spotify playlists that are a good fit for you, and send an email with a link to your EPK to those who are a good fit.
Invest in a public relations/radio advertising
Consider employing a radio tracker or publicist to assist you in getting your music heard if you have a music marketing budget to invest in. The amount of money you’ll spend will be determined by the size and scope of the campaign you’re planning.
Remember that meaningful results may take thousands of dollars, and there’s no assurance that your song will be reviewed or picked up by radio stations – so budget carefully.
If you can’t afford a radio campaign, you can spend some extra time and effort contacting stations to have your music played on the air. You can also go for music promotion services with a DIY approach.
Read More: Marketing for Independent Musicians
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