When you have to adjust the action on your guitar then you need to follow a proper process. If you miss out on anything then either you will not get the desired result or the guitar can be damaged. In this article we will discuss how to adjust the guitar bridge to make sure it sounds perfect just the way you want it.
To adjust the action means that the guitar should sound good and it is about how a guitar plays when we consider the distance of the fingerboard and the strings. If the strings are sitting high then it will become difficult for you to fret and if they are very low then a buzzing sound is produced. So, when the strings of the guitar are high or low you will have to adjust the action. You will either need to raise the Faber bridge also known as the saddles. Saddles are the parts located in front of the bridge where the strings sit.
You have to lower or raise the saddle turning the hex screws and you will need a tine hex wrench for this. To raise the saddle just turn the screw clockwise and turn it counterclockwise for lowering the saddle. If there are two hex screws or guitar bridge studs on the saddle then you have to turn both in the same way so the level is maintained.
Another way to do it by using the saddles and adjusting the intonation of the guitar. So, what is intonation? It is the accuracy of the pitch which is produced by fretting. For example, when you are playing the 12th note then the resulting note should be an octave higher than the open string. In case the 12th note is a little higher than the octave then it means the string is fretting sharp whereas if you find the 12th fret note is a little lower than the octave then it means that the string is fretting flat.
The screws located at the back of the Faber tone lock bridge helps in determining the saddle front to back position and when you look at the bridge assembly carefully then it is obvious where you need to make an adjustment.
Read More: https://mytrendingstories.com/nethan-paul/how-to-adjust-guitar-bridge-quick-tips-pznmmn
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