There’s a new push in Western Australia to overturn the state’s ban on the sale of e-cigs and vape gear. And this time the move comes from not just from vapers themselves, but a local politician and health professionals. While you may see people vaping on Perth’s streets every day, the fact is they could face a fine of up to $45,000 for using an e-cigarette containing nicotine. And while it’s not illegal to vape without nicotine, the sale and supply of vape gear in Western Australia remains so. The advocacy group Legalise Vaping Australia along with Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (ATHRA) have enlisted the support of Liberal Democrats MP Aaron Stonehouse . Right now they’re on a mission to collect 50,000 signatures as part of a petition in support of the legislation of vaping which Mr Stonehouse will present to Parliament by the end of the year. ATHRA director Dr Joe Kosterich has also lent his support to the campaign. ...