In just less than 15 years, vaping and e-cigarettes have come a long way from being regarded with suspicion of becoming accepted as a viable alternative to traditional cigarettes. While they still remain a controversial topic with various people on different sides of the argument, everyone can agree that vaping is preferable to regular smoking. There are three major reasons why vaping has become so popular: Cost: On a per-use basis, e-cigarettes cost way less than the regular cigarette sticks. The major costs arise from purchasing the vapor starter kit . After that, you only get to refill periodically with vapor liquids . Price comparisons show that vapers get to save as much as 90% on the cost of buying cigarettes depending on the amount of vaping per day. Safety: Vaping exposes users to far fewer toxic substances than regular cigarettes. This is one of its strongest appeals and it is responsible for the wide adoption of vaping as an alternative to s...