Working on increasing your picking speed is not just for the hell fire speed wannabe’s. Once your speed increases your whole style of playing loosens up. Your fingers will feel light and flexible and you’ll gain much more freedom in your playing. Your fingers will float easily across the strings without trying so hard. It’s an important skill to work on and to maintain. Increasing your picking speed comes with obstacles, victories, ups and downs, lots of patience and hard work. It’s all about practicing and equally important “the right way of practicing”. Just practicing a lot of hours doesn’t necessarily increase your picking speed if you don’t do it the right way. One can get genuine guitar picks from FaberUSA - Online store for guitar parts. Every individual has it’s own specific hurdles to overcome, but if you focus on these tips you are already off to a great start. You can do it too! 1 – Practice slow Most people know this already but don’t have the patience ...