The 3 big components are the motor, the ESC and the battery
- The motor gives the mechanical power to your wheels
- The ESC (electric speed controller) is the brain of your eks8, it controls the motor using the electric power from the batteries
- The batteries give the electric power needed for your motor
1.1. Kv, Watt &dimensions
- Kv or RPM/V or (Rounds per minute)/applied volt is a unit to tell how fast a motor will spin depending on the applied voltage.
- Watt [W] is the unit for power, mostly for esk8 motors this will vary between 500W to 3500W per motor. 1HP is 736W, so the strongest motors can go up to almost 5HP (!)
- The motors dimensions are given by diameter and length. For example, a 6355 motor is 63mm in Ø and 55mm in length.
1.2. Unsensored & sensored motor
Unsensored motors only have 3 wires, these are the most common motors. The sensored motors are a bit more expensive and have a fourth cable, the “sensor cable”. This sensor cable detects the position of the rotor. That is why sensored motors are better for smooth startup and for helping the ESC to be more efficient.
1.4. Hub motor
The latest upcoming trend in ESK8 technology are the hub motors, these motors are built in your esk8 wheel.
ESC or electric speed controller is the brain of your esk8 and controls the motor. The ESC’s used for esk8’s, are mostly RC car ESC’s e.g. Hobbyking X-car 120A, the RC car ESC’s can be used for budget builds.
Two important parameters you should check when looking for an ESC are; the number of cells in series (s) (look further at point 4. Batteries) and the rated Amperage [A].
For example: https://hobbyking.com/en_us/hobbykingr-tm-x-car-beast-series-esc-1-8-scale-120a.html, the Hobbyking X-car ESC is rated for 120A and 3-6s (series cells) LiPo.
For your build you will be looking for at least 6s ESC’s & batteries.
A very famous ESC, that is specially designed for electric vehicles like electric skateboards is the VESC®. The VESC® designed by Benjamin Vedder, an engineer from Sweden.
Read More: https://electricboardsolutions.com/blogs/building-an-esk8/diy-esk8?comment=60323495971#comments
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