Our bodies are remarkably adept at absorbing, storing and using vitamins and minerals. But sometimes our diet and lifestyle can make it more difficult to get enough of certain nutrients – which is where deficiency comes in.
Lack of sunlight can lead to a deficiency in vitamin D, for example, which we need to build strong bones. And as you probably already know, low levels of fruit and vegetables in our daily diet can cause a shortage of vitamin C, which is crucial in keeping our immune systems healthy.
One of the vitamins which is most commonly associated with deficiencies is vitamin B12, which we need to maintain healthy blood and a healthy nervous system. It is estimated by the NHS that B12 deficiency affects around 1 in 10 people aged 75 or over, and 1 in 20 people aged 65 to 74. The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can be physical or mental.
Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products so vegetarians and vegans can find it difficult to source. To counter this, some foods are fortified with vitamin B and it is possible to take a daily supplement, but certain drugs such as Metformin (taken for diabetes) can also interfere with its absorption.
Vitamin B12, sometimes called cobalamin, is one of eight B vitamins that have a vital role in keeping our bodies happy. B12 is water-soluble, meaning it cannot be stored in the fat cells in the body; any not used at once is flushed through the body. For Vitamin B12 Vapeis a good supplement for vegans since it has quick onset of action.
Read More: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/body/vitamin-b12-symptoms-deficiency/
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