Some things just sneak up on you. Little things that you don’t pay attention to because they don’t really interfere with your day or they come and go. You’re a little more tired than usual. Your legs feel a little weak. Take some minerals, get some sleep, work out a little more. Ignore it, because life takes precedence and there are things to do.
I had this habit of drinking diet soda. When I was a kid I discovered Diet Dr. Pepper. Mom was always putting me on a diet, so it made sense. No sugar, no calories, no fat. We know better now, but in the 70s we all wanted to be thin (I wasn’t). My addiction to diet soda lasted a long time, almost 30 years. You never saw me without a bottle or a glass of it. Two liters a day, easily. I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke, I didn’t do drugs. Diet soda was a vice I could live with. So I thought.
Five years ago I heard about something called “Aspartame poisoning” What??? Poisoning?? Hair falling out-check. Migraines-check. Irritability-check. Stomach issues-check. I went cold turkey, a week from hell while I detoxed. But, the damage was done.
The fall of 2015 I started feeling tired. All the time. No amount of sleep helped, I was always tired. I’ve always been a physical person, I walked everywhere, but now walking was difficult. Sweeping the floor made my legs shake so much I had to sit down. It crept up on me little by little as I tried to put all the pieces together. Maybe it was a magnesium deficiency? Maybe I needed a little more sleep?
The next morning brought more blood tests. Mom brought me my laptop and fed my cat. Nurses came in and out, more blood tests, words of encouragement, cans of ginger ale. They were a bright spot to my day. Mid afternoon the doctor came in and introduced herself. “You were something of a mystery to me” she said. “I spent all day poring over your tests. Finally, I figured out the problem. Basically, your b12 level is non-existent.” The disorder due to the vitamin b12 deficiency.
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