These little glands are in the endocrine chain of command (along with your thyroid), and are in charge of regulating the body’s stress response through adrenaline and cortisol, our chief fight or flight hormones.
If you’re a member of the HashiPosse or your thyroid is out of commission, the adrenals have to work extra hard to generate energy for the body. It’s the actual scenario of “running on fumes.” Without proper thyroid hormones to keep the wheels moving, you might be barreling full speed ahead on adrenaline and cortisol alone.
Unfortunately, like any well-oiled, but overused machine, your adrenals can only hang in there for so long without a break. Adrenal fatigue is what happens when you’ve used up all your cortisol reserves due to constant daily stress, another hormone imbalance (like hypothyroidism), or often, both.
I’ve struggled with adrenal fatigue symptoms on and off for the last decade, but it wasn’t until this past spring that I actually took a test. Since then, I’ve been meaning to write this deep dive on the best natural treatments, supplements and lifestyle strategies we can use to support our adrenals and give them a much needed recharge. healthy vape is very good thing to take as supplement for the treatment of fatigue symptoms.
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