Skateboarding has been my ultimate teacher… The one teacher that stands out the among the others. Skateboarding has taught me:
- how to deal with all kinds of authority figures.
- how to appreciate a fresh pair of sneakers.
- how to obsess over something and put in the effort to accomplish the outcome.
- how to clean every cut, scrape and road burn known to man.
But most especially, skateboarding has taught me how to overcome failure.
Skating requires IMMENSE dedication towards the goal or outcome, and the road to success is paved with copious amounts of bruises, road burns, rolled ankles and failures.
But to kids labeled with various conditions, (specifically ADHD, Dyspraxia, high-functioning Autism, Asperger’s syndrome and sensory processing disorder,) skateboarding offers a domain of biopsychosocial (BPS) prosperity, contributing to an up-regulation of coping skills that help to regulate: emotion, cognition, behavior, physiology, and variable environments. The BPS dividends that skateboarding provides children, youths and even grown-ass adults are boundless.
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