If eating a vegan diet is so healthy, why are there more and more vegans showing up who are skinny and appear to be malnourished and unhealthy in appearance? People choose to eat a vegan diet for a variety of reasons. Most of these reasons stem from deep convictions that should be respected by all, even if going vegan isn’t for you.
One of the major culprits of some vegans looking and feeling unhealthy is Vitamin B12 right alongside iron deficiencies. This doesn’t have to happen to you if you educate yourself to know how to optimize your vegan diet for ultimate health.
It only stands to reason that because Vitamin B12 comes from micro-organisms that are found mostly, and almost entirely, in food borne from animals that vegans are at risk for a deficiency of Vitamin B12.
It only stands to reason that because Vitamin B12 comes from micro-organisms that are found mostly, and almost entirely, in food borne from animals that vegans are at risk for a deficiency of Vitamin B12.

The human gut also produces some Vitamin B12, but it is formed below the point where the body is able to absorb it back into the body for use. The good news is that since Vitamin B12 comes from bacteria, microorganisms, consuming animal foods are not necessary to obtain the necessary amounts of Vitamin B12. Though, today’s vegans will not get enough of this vital nutrient without supplementing with, of course, a non-animal based healthy vape supplement.
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