Skateboarding is a sport, an art form, a lifestyle, and a culture. People have been skating for decades, and it has even become an extreme sport. We can all benefit from skateboarding, even if we’re not bombing halfpipes and grinding down rails. Not only does skateboarding get us outside, but it is a fun and effective way to get from point A to point B. Here are the best health benefits of skateboarding from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic:
- Provides flexibility: Ankles must remain flexible and body should stay limber while skating. The more tense and inflexible a person is, the harder it is for them to skate.
- Offers full-body workout: You’re moving your feet and your legs, you’re using your arms to help balance. You’re twisting your body. All these things must happen simultaneously, giving your body a variety of movements.
- Physical Endurance: Most skateboarders don’t just skate for a few minutes and stop- many find it so enjoyable that they skate for hours a day, getting their physical endurance levels up. Read For More Information –
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