We were all beginner golfers at some point. It’s easy to get off on the wrong track in golf when you’re a beginner. Here’s 10 beginner mistakes to avoid when you start your golf journey.
10. Buying expensive equipment
Sure, equipment technology has come a long way. However, it can be daunting getting equipped with all the latest gear, and the best equipment does not turn bad golfers into good golfers. Start out with a small investment, buy some less expensive clubs or borrow a friends old set from their attic to get your feet wet and make sure you like it. You don’t have to drop $1500 to see if you like golf or not.
9. Listening to EVERYONE
Golf is full of know-it-alls. Listening to an array of friends giving mixed advice, all of whom rarely break 90 probably isn’t in your best interest. Find a pro or a trusted friend who you know is knowledgeable, and get some advice from them. Ignore everyone else. Except for me.
The beginner’s golfers will take a lesson from here. Well, I would like to mention that, it is better to practice with golf alignment stick, other than taking a wrong shot.
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