While there are many different types of bridges used on imported guitars, such as separate bridge and stop tailpiece, separate bridge and trapeze tailpiece, wraparound (bridge and tailpiece as one unit), rosewood block, etc., the majority of guitars use a separate bridge and stop tailpiece, as used on most Les Pauls, 335s, etc. In this section, we will concentrate on that particular setup. Get guitar tailpiece parts at FaberUSA.
In addition to replacement bridges, other parts to consider upgrading on imported guitars are:
- Tailpiece: our 100% lightweight aluminum TP-59 stop tailpiece – much lighter than the stock tailpiece and provides a more “woody” and vintage tone
- Tailpiece bushings: our metric Steel Tailpiece Bushings provide much improved tone transfer over the stock “pot metal” bushings
- “Vintage Steel” tailpiece studs: our “Vintage Steel” Tailpiece Studs replace the standard tone robbing, non-locking tailpiece studs
- Tone-Lock™ tailpiece studs and spacers: our steel Tone-Lock™ Studs/Spacers not only provide the convenience of locking the tailpiece, also but provide enhanced sustain not available with any other locking system
- Tone-Lock™ KIT: The Tone-Lock™ KIT contains a TP-59 aluminum tailpiece and a pair of Tone-Lock™ studs/spacers at a discount over buying the parts separately. A Lock Nut and Stud tool is also included, which is used to tighten the tailpiece studs without marring the plating, as can happen when using a regular screwdriver
- Tone-Lock™ MASTER KIT: The Tone-Lock™ Master Kit contains a Tone-Lock™ locking bridge, TP-59 aluminum tailpiece, and a pair of Tone-Lock™ studs/spacers, at a discount over buying the parts separately.
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