Once you’ve decided on what type of saddles you want to add to your existing bridge Faber bridge, it’s time to install them. If you are unsure what material saddles will be best for you then you can check out our handy video guide Faber Bridge Saddle Removal and/or our blog post, What Faber Bridge Saddles Should I Get?
To install a new saddle, guitar saddle screws, place it into the bridge with the flat edge facing the saddle adjustment screw hole. This will also face up towards the pickups. Take the bridge saddle screws and saddle screw retainer rings and thread them through the hole on the bridge so it catches the thread in the middle of the saddle. Tighten the screw until it reaches the back of the bridge and is holding the saddle firmly in place. Repeat this process for all the other bridge saddles.
When adjusting the intonation, check progress regularly and make small adjustments. For a full detailed run through of setting the intonation on Faber bridges, Check out our Guide.
Once you have completed setting the intonation of your new Faber bridge saddles you can start to enjoy the benefits that the saddle upgrades bring you.
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